AI-Powered Solution

Unlock the potential of AI to revolutionize your business operations, deliver new products, reduce costs, and drive profitability

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Our Venture Labour Fund provides startups with experienced tech leaders who become integral members of your team. These seasoned professionals offer hands-on leadership, strategic guidance, and practical solutions to drive your technology initiatives forward.


Interested in AI, but don't know where to begin or its potential benefits?
Finding it tough to adapt quickly to market changes and stay competitive?
Unsure how to use untapped data (numeric/images/video/ audio/text) resources?
Struggling with bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and high operational costs?
Flexible engagement model that grows with your startup


Flexible engagement model that grows with your startup
Flexible engagement model that grows with your startup
Flexible engagement model that grows with your startup
Flexible engagement model that grows with your startup
Flexible engagement model that grows with your startup

William Lyons

CEO @ Eekual Gmbh
Together we have generated sparkling new automation tech that is key to my company’s bottom line, and we have fun doing it.

Arthur Davis

Founder & CEO @ Altimist
Sarunas’ work for us was exceptional, highly professional, on time and on budget. I would highly recommend him to anyone.

How we help the industry

We help legal teams automate repetitive tasks so they can reduce the time associates spendon non billable or less profitable work.

By combining legal best practices and our experience in automation, our proven process canreduce time on key workflows like document reviews by as much as half, while avoiding mistakes, ensuring compliance, and managing risk.

We re committed to finding and improving key areas that benefit from workflow automation,creating more billable time for higher value work to the firm.

Firms that fail to take advantage of legal technology, or that don’t adapt to the new realities it presents, risk losing clients to more forward-thinking companies.



The creation of new products and updating of the existing ones is key for continuous business succes
Preventable heart disease is one of the major causes of death in the world. The World Health Organiz
Creating a bicycle is much harder if you have you create all the parts yourself. However, having at

Arthur Davis

Founder & CEO @ Altimist
Sarunas’ work for us was exceptional, highly professional, on time and on budget. I would highly recommend him to anyone.

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We're always looking to make partnership with great companies.Whether you`d like to start a project, learn more about what we can do for you, or you have any questions please contact us
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